السبت، 27 مارس 2010


An english writing mood dont know why 
althought im not that good at english...
because of moving on a new age ? maybe;p
well the number may look nice 22 ;p
just to calm my self a little bit of getting older hehe

im really speechless to write anything today..
when i see my self growing up surrounded with  great parents, great family and great friends I really
thank them all for adding JOY to my life
and the most important thing of them all is having the opportunity to live another of allah's days
why did he choose me to live another day? i must be clever to figure that out..

one sentence may summaruze all whats inside me

الحمد لله كما ينبغي لجلال وجهه وعظيم سلطانه..



على هامش الموضوع أضع بين أيديكم هذه الفكرة الرائعة التي قام بها أحد الأجانب في يوم ميلاده..

منهم من يبحث عن السعادة ..
والبعض يصنعها..
